
Looking for better walks?

Transforming those chaotic walks into enjoyable adventures.

Build a deeper bond.

Leash walking isn't just about controlling your dog's movements; it's about building a deeper connection.
Lay the foundation for a lifetime of more peaceful dog walks and enriching bonding moments.
Focus on building essential skills, using bite-sized lessons
Build up to navigating distractions confidently.
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Book a private session.

In our private virtual dog training sessions, you get personalized help for your pup's leash walking challenges. With one-on-one guidance from a pro trainer, you'll learn tailored techniques that suit your dog's behavior and learning style. Unlike group classes, you get focused attention to cover every aspect of leash walking thoroughly. Plus, you can join from home, making it convenient for both you and your furry friend. Get expert support and see your dog's progress soar!


Not ready to book a private session? Start with our virtual class.

We have you covered with a FREE self-paced class breaking down leash walking.

Reward-based training
Taking your skills to the street
Tackling distractions
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Personalized, private dog training sessions

You can schedule a live one-on-one video session where we can gather a little more information about your dog and start right away with a hands-on activity. Because we get to see you with your dog, you get personalized instruction that can fast-track your progress compared to the generalized tips, tricks, or how-to videos you see online. While one call won’t solve all your problems, it should be a measurable stepping stone toward your goals.

Not ready to start training?

In the meantime, here’s an activity to get you started. This game teaches your dog that it’s his job to pay attention. We want him to be able to check in on his own, not only when you call him. We can start this in the house, then the yard, and then on a walk.

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